My humor is completely in the moment and sometimes unintentional. It's also usually dry, sarcastic humor that can either be taken as a joke or completely seriously. Sometimes that kind of humor helps me out, but most of the time it back fires. I'll say something completely sarcastic and someone will take it seriously. There is always one person who just doesn’t understand, and , usually, it's my parents. They fall for it and then they will walk away talking about the 'kids these days' and how they can 'never understand us.'
It's either that, or I'll say something controversial as a joke and the people around me will take me seriously and it will turn into a huge argument. This happens to me all of the time and it usually ends badly because, even though I told the people that I was joking, they still insist that I should not have been joking about such a serious topic.
But, when someone kactually does understand my humor, it makes me feel very funny and happy that somebody actually understands me.